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Please Note: All certificates, wallet cards, lapel pins and polo shirt orders are sent via USPS. All CEC orders are sent via Fedex. 

For Renewals: You must submit the required continuing education credits or a license. IF you choose not to, your renewal can NOT be completed. 

ABO-NCLE Non-refundable Payment Acknowledgement 

All payments are non-refundable. Upon registering for exams, applicants are required to schedule their exam within the stated testing period through the prometric website using the eligibility ID that will be emailed upon payment. Failure to schedule and take any exam will result in forfeiture of any monies paid. 

Certification Renewals and/or Reinstatements
All payments are non-refundable. All renewals and reinstatements have CEC/License requirements, listed on the ABO-NCLE website, that is the certificant's responsibility to submit to ABO-NCLE. Failure to take and submit all renewal requirements will result in forfeiture of any monies paid. 

Speaker, Course or CECs Applications
All payments are non-refundable. All applications must be submitted in its entirety and any information that is not complete will result in late fees or penalties upon ABO-NCLE's desertion. 

By selecting "I agree", I hereby acknowledge and agree that all payments are non-refundable, and I acknowledge and agree that it is my responsibility to comply with the above-identified obligations.  I also agree that my failure to comply may result in late fees and/or penalties.  If I fail to complete any of these mandatory requirements,  I acknowledge and agree that all monies paid will forfeited.

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